适用于屏蔽室的 EMC 滤波器

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PDF CHRONOLOGY 应用 型号 额定电流 (安) 额定电压(V AC) 最大插入损耗(kHz) 最大插入损耗高达(GHz)
1 Filters for power lines B84299*1*B001, B84299*1*B003, B84299*1*E001, B84299*1*E003 63,  100,  150,  250 250,  440/250 14,  110,  150
1 Filters for power lines B84299*2*B001, B84299*2*B003, B84299*2*E001, B84299*2*E003 6,  16,  32 250,  440/250 14,  150
2 Filters for power lines with increased rated voltage B84299*B70* 16 - 250 400,  400/690 30,  110,  150
3 Filters for power lines with HEMP-Protection B84299*1251E3*3, B84299*1501E3*3 250,  500 440/250 110
3 Filters for power lines with HEMP-Protection B84299*1101E3*3, B84299*2320E3*3 32,  100 440/250 14
4 Filters for power lines (low leakage current) B84263 16,  40,  100 250,  440/250 14
4 Filters for power lines (low leakage current) B84261 40,  100 250,  440/250 150
5 Filters for power lines (Filter cabinets) B84299G00*B* 300 ... 1600 --- --- ---
6 Filters for analog systems and control lines B84312*B*, B84312*H* 0.1,  1,  2,  3 100 --- ---
6 Filters for control and communication lines with HEMP protection B84312C*J303 0.1,  1 100 --- ---
6 Filters for ISDN systems B84312*B*, B84312*E* 0.1 42,  100 --- ---
6 Filter for 10 Mbit data lines with HEMP-Protection B84320Z0010E047 0.1 15 --- ---
7 Filters for communication lines (Filter cabinets) B84299G0056, B84299G0111 --- --- --- ---
7 Filters for communication lines (Filter boxes) B84299G0114A*, B84299G0114B*, B84299G0126A*, B84299G0152A* 300 ... 1600 --- --- ---
8 EMP protection units B84320Z0010H034 0.1 10 --- ---
8 EMP protection units B84320Z0010H033, B84320Z0010H035 --- --- --- ---
9 Installation accessories B84298M --- --- --- ---
9 Installation accessories B84298A0046L --- --- --- ---
9 Installation accessories B84298A0042L --- --- --- ---
9 Installation accessories B84298A0044L --- --- --- ---


  • 类型一览
  • 常规技术信息
  • 提醒和警告
  • 技术信息
  • Safety Instructions
  • 符号和术语
  • 应用提示
  • 重要事项







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